BLOGGING 101: Teacher Evaluation and Farewell to the Class

Antique Typewriter

Typing classes in my school were taught using these old Royal or Remington typewriters and yet we still communicated with the world.  We got jobs, found mates, had children and even educated them.  We went through college doing our papers on those old things, but today we have computers and what is more we have blogs.  Ah, yes, blogs.

The calendar is something I am not quite ready to set up because so many ideas for the future of this blog are circling in my brain right now.  This has been my first experience with community classes, with Blogging 101 being more like a University class for me.  The assignments have been difficult but not without hope to master them, and the wonderful commons area gave us all the classroom feeling with its give-and-take for all the topics.  Our mentors were helpful and complimentary—very directive too.  I have a storehouse of ideas and links to browse later.

Do you find it difficult to imagine that newbie bloggers have actually created these beautiful blogs? I knew I was a novice at blogging, but I am not actually a newbie.  Yet, comparing my work with theirs is very humbling.  Per the assignment, I have spent the day going back and forth to read from various blogs and commenting on new fun posts.  I have really grown to appreciate so many for diverse reasons.

Sandi and




One of the most fascinating photo blogs I have ever seen is  I hope this researcher knows how many times I go back to read and just drool over the fantastic photography.

And though Diana is not new to blogging, she is my mentor.  Just check one example and you might follow her too (

I can’t seem to say farewell without mentioning a few others.


I like the full photo header in and the option of going there for help.  What a comfort to know there will be someone who is sympathetic to questions we ask.

What is my plan?  Hang around and see if the rubber hits the road.

8 thoughts on “BLOGGING 101: Teacher Evaluation and Farewell to the Class

  1. Looking at that typewriter made me nostalgic. I learned how to type using the good, old typewriter. My other fingers were fine after each hour of practice, but my pinkie was something else. It’s a good thing that the letter “q” is seldom used because had “e” been up in “q’s” place, I would not have gotten that typing certificate. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As I posted that picture, I had a sudden ache in my hands, particularly in the pinkie, remembering just how difficult it was to push down and hold for the capital. My best friend won state awards for typing speed, but not I. I passed the tests, but joint deterioration had set in early.


  2. Blogging 101 has opened a new world and not just beyond the horizon either! Real live people respond to what is written and that in itself is motivation to keep writing. Many years ago, I read a book about HOW THE FRENCH BOY LEARNS TO WRITE. It was more than 300 pages of first one illustration and another–all saying the same thing. Write and write, and write some more. Practice makes perfect.


        1. My favorite thing about Blogging 101 was that it wasn’t GRADED. Yay! My 16yo accused me of enjoying Blogging 101 b/c it was like school: I pointed out to her that it was better than school b/c it was self-motivated, optional, and, most important of all, not scored. Truly, the best part of Blogging 101 has been meeting people who are kind, respectful, friendly, and encouraging.


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